So, instead of making Felt food, I made Felt Play Money. I Googled it to see what was out there & really only found this one site Felt Money & thought... I can do better that that. Then I had a bit of a brainstorm & was inspired by a former boss who made "Pete Bucks" as an incentive for us (It was a dollar bill with his face on it, it had no monetary value... just bragging rights over who had the most)... And "Anders Bucks" was born.

3 sheets green felt
1 sheet white felt
1 sheet tan felt
1 sheet dk grey felt
1 sheet lt grey felt
T-shirt iron on transfers (had this in hand)
Fabric paint (had this on hand)

I used a coin from New Orleans (from a girls weekend before hubby & baby) for the nickel on the dark grey felt.
I used an actual quarter for the dime on the light grey felt & penny on the tan felt. I would not recommend going smaller than a quarter to trace as I found it difficult to get a nice circle. I folded the felt so the coin would be double thick, pinned & traced. I then sewed the circles that I had drawn, keeping the pins in place so the felt wouldn't shift. If you are making these, you could use Stitch Witchery between the layers of felt.
I then used my fabric paint & free hand the coin value.
I let the fabric paint dry for 48 hours before cutting out. If you wanted, you could cut numbers out of felt & again used Stitch Witchery to iron them on to the coin.
Dollars:I was able to cut 3 dollars out of each sheet of felt. I used a real dollar to trace the size. Again the dollars are a double layer, so cut sizes per photo. I used print shop & funny faces of Anders for the different dollar amounts. Photos from when he was 2 days old are on the one dollar bill. I cropped & resized them so the height of the oval was 2". Print them out on the T-shirt iron on transfer sheet per the directions.
Cut out the oval face & iron it on the white felt. Then cut out the faces from the felt.