So I pulled out the basic colors & added a few fun ones. The ideas just kept going from there… Although paint chips are heavier paper, they are not toddler proof. So I decided to laminate them. AKA: clear packing tape.
I then thought, what if they were magnetic! So I dug out my magnetic tape (bought 2 years ago at Target on clearance).
So after about a half an hour… we have FREE flash cards. All made from stuff we had on hand.
I’ve used this laminating/magnetic tape for other organizing projects. Labeling the file cabinets in my sewing/craft room… I just used coordinating scrap book paper. Taped the front & back of the label, added about 1" of magentic tape to the back

I then set up files for all the art projects he brings home from daycare. I’m trying to be very selective on what I keep.
Someday, I hope to have a small display for his art. I’m inspired by this from Knock Off Wood.