I was inspired to make the Photo Black Puzzle at Not so Idle Hands for My Peepers. So I bought all the stuff I needed at my local Michael's (using a coupon when ever I could of course).
When I got home, I realized I had bought 2" blocks. So I had a slight change of plans & instead of a 6x6 puzzle or an 8x8 puzzle, I made 2 4x4 puzzles. I printed out some photos from on-line. These I gave 2 coats of Mod Podge. The Family Photos were printed on photo paper & only needed one coat. One puzzle is of our family, Chloe & the grandparents. The others is of some of Anders favorites...
It was a bit time consuming - I hope someday he will appreciate them.
So... what the do with the 9th block? Well A holiday ornament of course! Using scrapbook paper for the top & bottom & 4 family photos. I marked the center by drawing a faint line from corner to corner. My Hubby drilled the pilot hole & then we used an eye screw & some ribbon.
It turned out so cute I ended up making a few more as gifts (Shhh... Don't tell). PS - you may notice that I used a flattened Up & Up diaper box as my work station - This worked out great as I could take it from room to room & not have a mess to clean up when I only had a few minutes to work on this project. Also, If you have not tried them, I recommend the Up & Up diapers... Great quality, low price. (Not getting paid to say this).
So cute! i like the idea to use just 4 blocks....easier for the kiddos :)