Happy New Year!
I typically do not make resolutions (mainly because I have no will power to keep them). HA HA But this year after a re-do of my craft room I vow to keep it looking nice & organized (and also hope to tackle the last room in the house to be re-done)!
Here are some things I've used to organize my craft room... from
These containers are Gerber wagon wheels with scrap book paper Mod Podged on them. I have done a bunch... these hold trinkets but I also have one for crayons, one for markers & one for chalk. I even have some by the phone in the kitchen for pens, scissors & other stray items.
Puffs Containers work great for pipe cleaners & paint brushes.

Can't go wrong with a few extra Command hooks to keep things neat & tidy.

Dollar Store plastic baskets in my rooms color scheme keep thread, Velcro, glue & wanna-be-projects out of sight, but with in easy reach. The Chocolate polka dot container is from baby formula. (I just couldn't bare to keep throwing those things away... I had to do something with them.)

Seriously, I use everything... these turq. containers are from Swiffer Wet cloths. They are fairly sturdy, work with my colors & don't have any holes for little things to slip out (or tiny fingers to poke thru).
I labeled everything with simple black card stock & chalk.

Cork board for Miscellaneous keepsakes - works for pinning up pattern directions ( not that I use patterns much anymore... but once in a blue moon).

Blue Ball canning jars hold buttons... and these rope baskets are left overs from my craft/sewing room an my Bloomington House.

I keep my yarn stashed in a hanging unit from IKEA.

And last but not least, If you have one of these...

You'll need some of these to keep your area tidy.
Thank you, Karla
PS - unlike the reality show room make-overs, I should check back with you in 6 months & see how I'm doing.